People Are Like Stained-Glass Windows. They Sparkle And Shine When The Sun Is Out, But When The Darkness Sets In, Their True Beauty Is Revealed Only If There Is A Light From Within. Elizabeth Kubler Ross

It Is Easier To Be Wise For Others Than For Ourselves. Francois De La Rochefoucauld

62 Ways To Save Money At The Gas Pump

Product Code: MD7629L39
Availability: In Stock

Price: €0.99‎

You don't need to go broke to drive your vehicle!

How To Save Money And Conserve Gas!

"The Cheap Person's Way To Making The Most Out Of The Fuel In Your Tank"

Who are they trying to con?

HOW much for ONE gallon of gas? $2.60? Who else longs for the day when you could fill your tank for ten bucks?

But gas prices are on their way up. Sure, they go up and down. They go up a dollar and down 50 cents...

... to condition us to think 50 cents more is a good deal!

For those of us who have to drive back and forth to work everyday - in gas guzzling traffic - every penny hurts.

So with the ever-raising costs of filling your tank full of gas, there's no shame in cutting every corner to save a buck. All a person needs is the know-how, the tips and tricks, the truth and not the old rumors...

...of how to make that tank last until next payday! I've written it all down for you and put it in a report I like to call...

62 Ways To Save Money At The Gas Pump!

Greetings Friend,

You don't have to ride your bike 40 miles a day to save money on gas.

When it's not reasonable to walk, bike, or take the bus to the places you need to get to - something needs to be done to cut down on gas prices that empty your wallet faster than the IRS.

Do you find yourself driving on empty hoping you can make it until payday? Did you stop buying your food from your favorite restaurant so you could get to work the next week?

Are you just outraged that you're being forced to drop loads of money because the price of gas can't find a low number it likes?

These are issues we all deal with today. And none of them are cheap. The best we can do is make sure we get the most for our dime. Your money deserves that respect.

Plus it'd be nice to get back to spending that money on things we can enjoy - not things that burn up into nothing and pollute the air.

"When The Gas Stations Find Out How Much Money I Save You - They'll Be Madder Than A Swarm Of Hornets!"

How much can you save by following the tips in my guide? Who knows how many hundreds if gas prices continue to rise?

Follow my advice over your lifetime and you'll have to mark your dash with a pen for every thousand my thoroughly researched report saves you.

Within "62 Ways To Save Money At The Gas Pump" you'll find everyday ways to make that dollar stretch your gas tank. You can download my report straight to your computer and start saving today. is just SOME of the information you will find inside:

  • How gas prices in your area compare to the gas prices in other parts of the US - and if you're paying more than the rest of us! (Page 5)
  • The percentage of your fuel that is automatically wasted every time you use your car - and how to keep that number at a bare minimum. (Pages 5-6)
  • A little known figure about gas mileage that you can use to save money on your taxes. (Page 6)
  • An easy way to let credit cards save you up to $300/year on gas. (Page 7)
  • A little known secret about what time of day you should buy gas to get the most for your money. (Page 8)
  • How to use the Internet to save you money at the pumps. (Pages 8-9)
  • How to use coupons when buying gas to make sure your money stays in your bank account. (Page 9)
  • How money-saving drivers know when their car or truck needs to be serviced in order to get better gas mileage. (Page 12)
  • The insider's secret to buying higher quality gas based solely on the number of people filling up their tanks. (Page 13)
  • A secret move to use with the nozzel to save nearly a half cup of gasoline that you've already paid for. (Pages 13-14)
  • The little known truth about "high octane" gas and your vehicle. (Page 14)
  • What really happens when you drive on empty. (Page 15)
  • What never to put in your tank if money is your main concern. (Pages 15-16)
  • How to avoid certain gas stations that will clog your fuel filter. (Page 16)
  • What really happens to your fuel efficiency when you don't service your car regularly. (Page 17)
  • An easy way to increase fuel consumption that's very important for the health of your car. (Page 18)
  • How to make sure you're using the right type of oil in you car. (Pages 18-19)
  • A little known item that should be replaced regularly if you want to improve your gas mileage by up to 10 percent. (Page 19)
  • How regular maintenance on your tires can keep you from coughing up unnecessary dollars at the fueling station. (Page 20)
  • 5 steps for making sure your tires are allowing your car to have maximum efficiency. (Page 21)
  • How keeping your car clean on the outside can actually save gas usage. (Page 22)
  • An easy way to save gas by avoiding these types of roads. (Page 24)
  • 4 reasons to combine as many purposes into one trip as you can. (Pages 25-26)
  • 5 ways to save on gas when commuting to work. (Pages 26-27)
  • How to use your gas pedal for maximum efficiency. (Page 28)
  • Finally! The truth about idling cars - and what gas stations don't want you to know about "running your car" to warm it up. (Page 29)
  • A tiny little trick that will not only make your car lighter, but more efficient. (Page 29)
  • How hot days can often reduce your fuel economy by up to 20 percent and what you can do about it. (Page 30)
  • How obeying the law can save you money on gas - not just on tickets! (Page 31)
  • The secret way to maneuver hills in order to use your gas for maximum benefit. (Page 33)
  • How the brake becomes the villain to gas economy. (Page 34)
  • A little known way to twist your gas cap to make sure your tank stays fuller. (Page 35)
  • What fuel conscious drivers do on the highway to save fuel. (Page 36)
  • 5 gas saving products you can try for your car. (Pages 37-39)
  • The insider's way of choosing a vehicle for maximum fuel efficiency. (Pages 39-42)
  • When you need to save fuel, here's how to learn to drive efficiently. (Page 42)
  • 3 cars that the IRS will give you tax deductions for driving. (Page 43)
  • 13 everyday tips to add to your driving routing if you want to start saving on gas right away. (Pages 43-44)
  • 11 web sites you can't afford to miss if you're concerned about paying too much for gasoline. (Pages 44-45)
  • 6 different types of fuels you should consider using. (Page 46)

And there's MUCH more - guaranteed!

"Here's What They Don't Tell You About Fuel Economy!"

Has anyone ever told you that leaving your car idling for a few minutes is better than turning your engine off and on?


Page 29 of my report debunks this myth. And I'll even let you know something about cars for free right now. On that very same page, I let you in on the fact that new cars don't need to be left idling to warm up like older cars do.

And studies show that older cars don't need more than 30 seconds of idling to get ready to be driven.

Use those extra minutes of gas hoggin' idling for getting to work Friday. And there's plenty more tips where that came from.

Did you know you can save gas just by putting on your gas cap in a certain way? Yes, I am serious! Just read page 35 and I'll spill the beans!

Did you know you're leaving close to half a cup of gas that you already paid for at the gas station unless you hold the nozzle a certain way? You paid for that gas and you better take it with you.

"When I Found Out The Time Of Day That I Fill My Tank Can Affect The Amount Of Gas I Get - My Jaw Dropped!"

There are tips and tricks in my report that you wouldn't have thought about if you had 15 years to ponder over it!

These are not tips and tricks everybody knows, but insider information you can use to make sure you're not paying more than your fair share at the gas pump.

When you'd rather spend your money on something that doesn't burn up into thick air, you need my guide fast. You owe it to yourself, to the integrity of your gas tank, and dollar.

My 52-page guide will start stretching your buck today. You'll notice the savings your first week. When you pass the point where you'd normally have to fill your tank, and you've still got enough for another day of work...'ll want to write me and thank me. I can save you money starting today. And it will last for the rest of your life. Follow my advice and you'll money on each and every trip to the pumps! For $3.49, you can save 100 times that over your lifetime.

Talk about a good investment. And if you don't think so, there's always my...

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